※ BIOFOUNT范德(北京)生物科技有限责任公司是一家以科技创新为驱动的有机化学、生命科学、前沿化合物领域的科技创新型企业,延伸生产和制造实验、检验耗材产品,我们专注于有机生物领域产品的研发和制造。
※ 我们的产品在基础科学研究领域、生产制造、技术研发过程中得到了广泛的应用。目前我们能提供超过500,000种生物化学类产品,品类仍在持续增长中,特色产品有氘代物、标准品、探针类、前沿化合物、目标药物化合物等。
※ BIOFOUNT团队还可以提供化合物的复杂化合物合成,分离纯化,手性制备分离,化合物结构鉴定,以及化合物合成工艺研究等多项服务。BIOFOUNT可以完成从毫克级到克级的各种对照化合物,结构片段或母核,中间体,最终化合物以及抗体偶联药物等的合成。我们不但可以满足对目标药物化合物的合成需求、也可以提供全套的药物杂质销售及合成定制。
※ BIOFOUNT 实验耗材领驭,我们拥有注塑设备30台,实验耗材模具设计工作室、模具车间,以及具有完全知识产权的自动化滤芯装盒设备知识产权等专利技术,BIOFOUNT的10ul吸头,10ul加长吸头,200ul吸头,200ul加长吸头,1000ul吸头,1000ul加长吸头无论从产品的亮度,色泽,壁滑,吸头口平整度,内霉素以及去酶标准上完全可以媲美QSP以及Axygen等国际一线品牌,公司已生产出超过200多种移液吸头产品,在移液领驭处于领先地位。
※BIOFOUNT is a global high-tech enterprise, specializing in chemical and biological research products and service to meet the research needs of global customers. With the help of fast and efficient global supply chain, professional and rigorous procurement process and timely dynamic news of products, you will save more time with less cost and lead in drug discovery and screening.
※BIOFOUNT has evolved into one of the biggest global small molecule supplier with over 50000 products in stock and a customer base in 40+ countries. Biofount serves three major client groups: Research laboratories, hospitals; Pharmaceutical industry in the process from lead discovery through to pre-clinical stages; Laboratory & diagnostic reagent producers.
※BIOFOUNT offers a wide range of high quality research chemicals including novel life-science reagents, inhibitors, activator,durg inpurity, APIs and natural compounds for laboratory and scientific use. Our customer service and technical support teams have many years’ experience in the life science and Pharm industry. BIOFOUNT will be a sincere and trustworthy partner for you and we are dedicated to be A Drug Screening Expert.
Who we are serving?
※Drug screening – drug design and virtual screening, target validation, model establishment, high-throughput screening, structure optimization;※Pharmacological research – in vivo and in vitro testing of compounds to identify new uses for known drugs;
※Signaling pathways – stem cell, protein tyrosine kinase, epigenetics, GPCR, MAPK signaling;
※Cell research – pluripotent stem cell induction, cell signaling transduction, cell inflammation, oncology。
※ 2017年7月成立;
※ 2018年1月开始OEM输出耗材产品;
※ 2018年12月成立小分子化合物合成实验室;
※ 2019年3第一套自动化移液吸头耗材模具下线开始试生产;
※ 2019年8月商城正式上线;
※ 2019年4入,实验新厂正式投产;
※ 2020年7月自主研发第一台自动装盒机投产;
※ 2020年11月全国首例等离子洁净车间净化设备投入使用;同月国内首例采用等离子技术去酶、去内霉素设备投入使用。